‘Animula’ is an ongoing series drawing on underland entanglements based on research in Moray Firth caves in Scotland and early mine cartography. Using excavation as an entry point, I explore relationships of entangled precarious matter and organisms, in states of emergence and decay. Presented at Xxijra Hii in 2023 the new series of alabaster carvings depict amorphous forms seemingly in a bio transformation and without catogrisation. These carvings are woven into a winding network of vestibular forms, scattered schematics and algal ‘wet look’ surfaces, hand bent steel and experimentatal cast pewter. Central to the work is a collaborative sound piece developed with Clay Slade, that filled the space with choral utterances responding to texts written at the back of the cave.
Animula: mud time fissures tethered in descent Xxijra Hii Gallery, Depford, 2023 // elements also shown in various group shows 2022/23